I have seen people who had to drop their business ideas just because they didn't have the money to fund it. These are people who had beautiful ideas that could have transformed the business world. Unfortunately, those dreams died perhaps because they got discouraged along the line. Even people with bright minds could easily be discouraged when they are not appreciated or encouraged. This was the case of some of the people I mentioned earlier.

Encouragement may come in two ways: in words or in cash. The later is what people with business ideas need most. If people can easily access funds for their business, we would have a larger number of entrepreneurs in our society. Also, crime rates in the society will reduce.

In my opinion, if people are gainfully employed, the crime rates in the society will drastically decrease. Hence, if people with good business ideas are encouraged with funds, a large portion of the populace will be gainfully engaged, thereby reducing the unemployment rate.

According to Bloomberg news dated 15th March 2021, unemployment rate in Nigeria increased to 33.3% in the fourth quarter of the year. Why is it so? Many especially the youths are jobless. If funds are made available to large number of them, to start up business, the percentage will reduce.

However, if we continue to wait for the government to do something for us, we may never achieve our dreams. As a people we should figure out ways to support ourselves in order to accomplish our goals. One of the ways to do so is the "EasyOkubo" fundraising initiative.

Click HERE to join our telegram group for assistance to raise funds! 

The New Revolution 

Gone are the days when you have to loan money to fund your project. 

Now you can get ₦4,155,000 ₦1,177,500 ₦195,000 or ₦44,150 without borrowing!


It's EASY! 


Why are you still delaying?

Chat up with us NOW to get started!

The Joy And Excitement! 

Imagine how excited you would be when you receive ₦4,155,000 or ₦1,177,500 fund for your business. I mean nothing can take away your joy when that happens!

It ALL begins with a donation of ₦10,000 or ₦6,500 and then connecting your 2-Funders. Nothing more nothing less! 

Take note, ₦4,155,000 or ₦1,177,500 can enable you start a business or boost an existing one.

There's no better way to raise fund for your business than receiving it from like minded people, who are willing to help each other raise FREE and EASY capital for their business! 

Chat up to get started!

 It's Not Late! 

It's never late until it's late. Yes, it's never too late to get funds! 

Remember, ₦4,155,000 or ₦1,177,500 is still at your reach. Will you let it pass you by?

Hey! Don't joke with this opportunity!

While you are waiting for a conducive time to start, your neighbour might join before you. Before they connect you connect them!

Think SMART! 

Think EasyOkubo!

READY to get started? 

Chat up with us NOW!

 Time To Get Excited! 

Yes, you heard it right. It's TIME to get excited! Why? That one ₦10,000 in your bank account could give you much more money than you think. The kind of money that when you see it, would make you jump up in excitement! 

What can you buy with ₦10,000? One packet shirt? Or, a pair of shoe?

What if I tell you that the ₦10,000 in your bank account could give you a whoop sum of ₦4,155,000! 

Hey! Before you get MORE excited, let me drop the bomb shell: it's absolutely FREE. You don't have to pay back! 

Yes, you heard it correctly. It's FREE! 

Just with a one-time entry donation of ₦10,000 and your 2-Funders, you are entitled to have ₦4,155,000!

Are you still contemplating?

Hurry! Chat up while opportunity last!

It's ALL For You! 

Yes, it's for you and it's ALL free! 

Certainly, ₦1,177,500 can enable you start up a business or fund an existing business.

No need to borrow! 

No need to pay back! 

It's absolutely FREE!

Hurry! Chat up while opportunity last!

Smile Up! 

Let ₦195,000 put a smile on your face!

It ALL starts with a little donation of ₦1,000 and connecting your 2-Funders.

Nothing MORE nothing LESS! 

The key to unlocking financial doors is in your hands!

Hey! Don't lose the key!

Chat up NOW while opportunity last!

Thinking How To Raise Funds? 

Why still thinking when you can easily raise ₦1,177,500 fund for FREE! It's like living beside a river and yet using spittle to wash face. Isn't it?

How could you have a fountain and yet be dieing of thirst! Isn't it absurd?

Moreover, how could you be in the "EasyOkubo" forum and still go ahead to collect loan outside, when you could get the same fund for FREE here. Pls wise up!

EasyOkubo is committed to helping you raise the funds you need. Waste no further time!

Hurry! Chat up while opportunity last!

How To Raise Funds 

Raising fund for your business has never been this easier. All that you would need to do is donate the one-time entry amount and then connect your 2-Funders. It's that simple!

Talk to two or more people about the "EasyOkubo" fundraising program. Once they get interested, use the group link to invite them to the WhatsApp or telegram forum for briefing (make sure you let any of the admins know about the two people you invited).

Moreover, get your money ready. Donate the one-time entry amount of ₦6,500 to get your account activated and ready! 

As soon as your 2-people make their one-time entry donation, you'll get to stage1 and receive stage1 fund - ₦2,500.

When your 2-people also get their own 2-people each (they'll get to stage1), you'll get to stage2 and receive stage2 fund - ₦5,000.

As the 2-get-2 continues that's how you keep moving up the stages, until you get to the 10th stage and you receive the total amount - ₦1,177,500. It's as simple as A B C!

So, if you are interested to raise ₦1,177,500, get down to business right away. The process is very simple!

Chat up NOW while opportunity last!

Poverty A Choice 

Many are poor not just because they were born poor; they are poor because they choose to remain poor!

In the Bible it is stated, "You shall always have the poor among you." And this means, if there'll always be poor people, there'll always be rich people.

The same Bible stated, "I have set before you life and death" in other words, I've set before you riches and poverty . All you got to do is to make your choice.

Have you been wondering, why are there many poor-people and few rich-people around? The answer is: CHOICE! 

I choose to be rich. I don't know about you!

Meanwhile, the "EasyOkubo" fundraising program is still available for you. It's your choice to raise funds for FREE or call it a scam and remain broke!

Click HERE to join our telegram group for assistance to raise funds! 

Make the right choice today!

Subscribe to "EasyOkubo" News Channel on telegram! 


  1. I also want to raise funds

    1. Message us on WhatsApp to get started


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